Next-Gen L&D: What Jobs, Skills and Salaries for Learning & Development Departments? 

05 mn de lecture


In this white paper, Learn Assembly predicts the evolution of skills for learning professions.


Learn Assembly has teamed up with Edhunters, a recruitment consulting firm specializing in learning professions, to present to you the second edition of its white paper on the L&D departments skills.  

In this edition, you’ll find a review of the main jobs and roles in learning departments, as well as the associated skills and salary ranges. And because these jobs are becoming increasingly attractive, we suggest ways of retaining talent.

What have we observed over the last few years? First of all, roles are becoming more specialized, and the multidisciplinary profile who is amazing at everything (or rare bird as we like to call them) is becoming less and less realistic. The arrival of AI in the learning industry, the diversity of EdTech offers, increasingly strong cyber and IT constraints, the mastery of marketing techniques to promote learning programs, the posture of in-house consultant: these are all essential skills for a cutting-edge L&D department. 

As for EdTech companies, they play a key role in meeting learning and training needs with scalable, digital solutions. Their product approach, focused on transversality and long-term vision, encourages the emergence of new practices and pushes big corporations to optimize their learning experiences. However, they need to find a stable business model and depend on L&D budgets. The industry is growing and consolidating and mergers and AI innovations are expected in the next few years. 

How are L&D professions evolving today, and what will their roles be tomorrow?  

Download our white paper to learn about:  

  • The main HR challenges facing L&D departments
  • The L&D professions, from the now well-known digital learning manager to the more emerging Learning Tech Administrator or Learning Data Analyst
  • But also cross-functional roles, fed by the L&D team, which are increasingly important for turning companies into learning organizations
  • 3 future learning professions in the EdTech industry, each with its own specific challenges

A sneak peek into the white paper: Next-Gen L&D: What Jobs, Skills and Salaries for Learning & Development Departments?

And for each identified job or role:

  • An ID detailing their goals, tasks, evolutions, salary and how to attract and retain these profiles 
  • A description to position them within the L&D team
  • A skills radar to identify individual skills  

Learn Assembly is a learning company which mission is to help organizations develop their employees’ employability, in a sound and sustainable manner. As an architect and a builder of learning experiences, we help you gain height and get your hands dirty at the same time to make your projects successful.

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